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Figure 2: MMP-7 gene and protein expression levels are significantly increased in fibrotic lungs. The Gaussian distribution for MMP-7 reveals minimal overlap (Score of 0.00625) between normal lungs (green line, A) and fibrotic lungs (red line, A). All actual expression levels of MMP-7 in fibrotic lungs (red X marks, A) were higher than in normal lungs (green X marks, a) and no samples were misclassified (TNoM and Info = 0). The y-axis in the gaussian figure (A) is the estimated density of the expression level. This density is computed based on the normality assumption of expression level (for each class). MMP-7 staining verified the gene expression predictions and demonstrated both cell-associated and matrix MMP-7 in distal airspaces (B) and proximal airway (C) from fibrotic lungs. No MMP-7 immunoreactivity was seen in normal lungs (D). (Original magnification B, C, and D:X40).

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Last updated: 23/04/02.
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