Table 1

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Table 1. Functional groups of selected genes substantially upregulated in fibrotic lungs. (Numbers in parentheses are average fold changes)

Muscle markers

[D17408]  calponin  (9.9)

[S81419]  dystrophin (2.9)

[D00654]  enteric smooth muscle g-actin  (4.2)

[M12125] fibroblast tropomyosin muscle-type (26)

[X74295]  Integrin a7b1 (1.7)

[U48959]  myosin light chain kinase MLCK (6.7)

[U14391]  myosin-IC    (4.2)

[AF001548] myosin heavy chain (2.9)

[M63603]  PLN (2.5)

[L10678]  profilin II (3.2)

[M95787]  SM22  (2.3)

[M26311]  S100 calcium-binding protein A9 (2.7)

[Z24727]   tropomyosin isoform (2.1)

  [X13839]   vascular smooth muscle a-actin (2.6)

ECM, growth factors and proteases

[M22489] BMP2a (3.9)

[M77349] BIGH3 (2.2)

[X65784]  CAR (1.7)

[J05036]   cathepsin E (9.8)

[U43522]  cell adhesion kinase b (4.5)

[M55998] Collagen I-a1 (2.4)

[Z74616]  Collagen I-a2 (5.2)

[X06700]  Collagen III-a1 (4.7)

[X52022]  Collagen VI-a3 (2.5)

[U48705]  DDR  (11.3)

[L13923]  fibrillin  (2.0)

[D83920]  ficolin-1 (4.5)

[X53416]  filamin   (4.3)

[S37730]  IGFBP2 (5.8)

[L27560]  IGFBP5   (2.4)

[M62403] IGFBP4  (2.0)

[M21389] keratin 5  (20.3)

[X74929]  keratin 8 (2.9)

  [X07696]  keratin 15 (14.1)

Cytokines, chemokines and antioxidants

[U25182]  antioxidant enzyme AOE37 (25.6)

[U72511]  BAP (2.3)

[L33930]  CD24 (3.4)

[D49372]  eotaxin (4.0)

[X54489]  GRO1 (2.9)

[X65727]  GSTa (7.0)

[L76191]  IL-1 r-associated kinase  (6.1)

[U00672]  IL-10 r  (2.8)

[S74221]  IK (4.5)

[U46767]  MCP-4 (8.6)

[M37766] MEM-102 glycoprotein (6.8)

[L19686]  MIF (8.9)

[M94250] Retinoic acid inducible factor MK (16.5)

[X65965]  SOD-2 (4.6)

[D50663]  TCTEL1 (3.6)

 [X16662]  vascular anticoagulant-b (2.7)

Complement, Immunoglobulins and Amyloid

[U50939] amyloid protein-binding protein 1 (3.2)

[M84526] adipsin/complement factor D (2.2)

[L15702] complement factor B (2.7)

[K02765] complement C3, aand b (2.0)

[M65292] factor H homologue (2.7)

[U28488] G protein-coupled r AZ3B (2.5)

[M63438] Ig rearranged g chain, V-J-C region (4.8)

[S71043] Ig a2 (4.3)

[M12759] Ig J chain (3.6)

[L02326] l -17 (4.7)

[M34516] o light chain protein (2.4)

[U22178] microseminoprotein b (8.4)

[X57809] rearranged immunoglobulin l light chain (4.2)

[X51441] SAA protein (10.9)

[M63379] TRPM-2 (1.8)

 [V00563] V00563 (3.9)


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